2. Samuel Moffat Art Elegance Series Oil Painting : Lexi
2. Samuel Moffat Art Elegance Series Oil Painting
Titled: Lexi
Oil on Canvas
146cm x 120cm
The Elegance series by Samuel Moffat
Samuel Moffat Bio
Samuel Moffat is a passionate, prolific artist who spends most days painting in Australia.Gallery.
Much of Sam’s adult life has involved sketching, sculpting and more recently painting. Working in both representational and abstract styles, he draws ideas from internet sources as well as his ‘minds eye’.
Ultimately, Sam’s inspiration stems from his world of numeral patterns and connections which influence his visual outlook. His work often invokes fantasy and Sci-fi influenced by Tolkien, C. S. Lewis, Warhammer and Mad Max, for the allegorical contexts for ‘real’ life, and Jungian archetype theory combined with the art of the pre- Raphaelites, Gustav Klimt and Norman Lindsay which further echoes the romantic notion of a lost paradise with whimsical social satire.
The music of Maurice Ravel captures and reinforces Sam’s enthusiastic and subliminal sensations with using oil paint as his expressive medium.