Fiona Omeenyo Painting Titled : Calm Day


Fiona Omeenyo

Award Winning Artist

Title : Calm Day

Size : 181cm x 107cm

Acrylic on Canvas

Calm day

I remember growing up and my grandparents always told us that they love going out camping, fishing or swimming in nice
creeks because they can enjoy a calm day. Our nature and wildlife was their natural calming medicine and they had many
calm days to enjoy.

As Indigenous Australians, our way of life goes back over 60,000 years. In my community in Lockhart and within my families, our parents, grand parents, uncles and aunties and elders always kept our families together through our strong traditional cultural laws.

We have to follow certain practices on how we live daily in Country and out of Country and standing strong as families is one of our ways. Our families stand united together for many generations.