Linda Walker Napurrula Australian Aboriginal Art


Linda was born in 1973 in Yuendumu into a large Warlpiri family.  Her father, Towser Jakamarra Walker was a well known artist. Linda commenced painting in late 1980’s for Warlukurlangu Artists and depicts in her art such Dreaming stories as Bush Potato, Bush Carrot and Yam.  Her main stories is Yarla (Bush Potato) and Janganpa (Possum), stories that have been passed  down to her from her mother and father, grandmothers and grandfathers for many generations.
Her paintings are bright, colourful and bold, with strong iconic themes.  More recently, she has been painting Possum Dreaming and Eagle Dreaming. Linda likes to go hunting for traditional foods in the bush surrounding Yuendumu with a group of women. She also loves to paint the stories that are closely associated with her traditional country.

Exhibitions:  1997, 2000 Araluen Arts Centre, Alice Springs;  1999 Barrinja Gallery, Melbourne;  2000 Gallery Gabrielle Pizzi – , Melbourne; 2002 & 2004 Geoffrey Moose Gallery, Seattle USA;  2005 Araluen Art Centre, Alice Springs.