Norah Napaljarri Nelson: Milky Way Dreaming Aboriginal Painting



Norah Napaljarri Nelson: Aboriginal Painting

Title: Milky Way Dreaming

Size: 222cm x 125cm

This painting represents a dreamtime story of the Warlpiri people of Central Australia. The seven circles represent the seven sisters as they travelled across the Milky Way. The ancestors broke the Yiwarra, its Warlpiri name for Milky Way into individual stars, fragments fell to earth, creating sacred places. This story has been retold through dance, song and paintings.

Norah Napaljarri Nelson was born at Haasts Bluff in central Australia on 26th October 1956.

Norah first painted in 1986, assisting her husband, but was creating works in her own right by 1987. As of 2004 she was living in Yuendumu and painted for the Indigenous Art centre Warlukurlangu Artists.

Norah’s Nelson Napaljarri Dreaming stories she depicts in her work are Karntjarra (Two Women), Ngaru (bush plum), Ngarlkirdi (witchetty grub) and Pangkurlangu (Giant) dreamings . She has also painted a series of works based on the Yiwarra (milky way) with the permission of from senior custodian at Yuendumu, Paddy Sims. One of this series was chosen as the design for a mosaic at the new court complex for the Supreme Court of the Northern Territory.